Friday, 18 April 2014

Get Greens - Green Plague - Full length album out now

Get Greens - Green Plague LP out 20/04/14 on download (choose what you pay). We've heard it, and you're in for a treat. They're back with their very own blend of stoner hardcore. If you like heavy hardcore full of breakdowns, you'll fuckin love this.

"Get Greens is a four-piece Hardcore band from California that refers (lol reefers) to themselves as “Weedcore” and judging by the infectious, groove-laden riffing present throughout most of “Green Plague” I imagine at least partial songwriting credit could go to nature's most controversial gift. You may remember hearing “Cashed” from “The Tokeover” on Episode 48 and while that's a pretty damn good EP by itself, Get Greens has really stepped it up on “Green Plague” both in sound quality and songwriting. While I'm not really too much of a stickler for production value, this is definitely a case where a more “professional” sound has proven to make a huge difference. The band just hits a little harder now, the groove is heavier, the smoke is thicker and the 40s are colder. No, this album doesn't come with party favors, but it totally should. Actually, every album should because that would rule."    No One Likes Your Band album review

Check out Get Greens online via Facebook, Bandcamp & Twitter